Regulatory Information

At Kenaxs, we prioritize transparency and compliance to ensure a trustworthy partnership with our clients. Here’s an overview of our regulatory information:

Legal Entity:

Kenaxs is a registered entity under the applicable laws and regulations, operating as Kenaxs IT Private Limited. Our registered office is located at UNIT NO. 417, ONE WEST, BLOCK NO. 156, TP 2 , FP 1, Sevasi ,Vadodara-391101, Gujarat, India, and we operate in accordance with the legal framework governing businesses in our jurisdiction.

Business Activities:

Kenaxs specializes in providing cutting-edge Digital Marketing Services, Web and App Development, and Marketing Consultation. Our team of experts works diligently to deliver innovative solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

Compliance with Data Protection Laws:

We recognize the importance of data protection and privacy. Kenaxs adheres to relevant data protection laws, ensuring the confidentiality and security of client information. Our practices align with international standards, and we continuously update our processes to stay in compliance with evolving regulations.

Intellectual Property:

Kenaxs respects intellectual property rights. All content, designs, and innovations created by our team or utilized in our services adhere to copyright laws. Any third-party intellectual property incorporated into our work is done so with the appropriate permissions or licenses.

Marketing Ethics:

In the realm of digital marketing, ethics are paramount. Kenaxs is committed to ethical marketing practices, complying with advertising standards and regulations. We strive to provide truthful, transparent, and responsible marketing services to enhance our clients’ brand image.

Client Agreement and Terms of Service:

Our client agreements and terms of service outline the terms, conditions, and expectations of our services. By engaging with Kenaxs, clients agree to abide by these terms, fostering a mutual understanding of responsibilities and deliverables.


Kenaxs is dedicated to ensuring our digital platforms and services are accessible to all users. We strive to meet or exceed accessibility standards, providing an inclusive experience for individuals with diverse needs.

Updates and Amendments:

As the regulatory landscape evolves, so too will our policies and practices. Kenaxs reserves the right to update, amend, or modify our regulatory information to align with changes in laws and industry standards. Any significant updates will be communicated transparently to our clients and stakeholders.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding our regulatory information, please feel free to contact us at []. We value open communication and are here to address any concerns you may have.

At Kenaxs, our commitment to regulatory compliance reflects our dedication to providing high-quality, ethical, and secure services to our clients. We appreciate your trust in choosing Kenaxs as your digital partner.